Today I am going to tell you about my bad habits is playing games (mostly Fortnite). When I play games I get lazy and I don’t want to get up. When I go to sleep I feel like I want to stay in bed for 2 more hours because of playing games. Lots and lots of people use phones and tablets to play games on the go and to contact people too.
Another habit of mine is that I bite my nails when actually I could get really sick because I could swallow it. Some people even eat the black stuff inside your nails. When you eat the black stuff you put germs inside your tummy and that is what can make you sick.
I am going to try to stop playing games and mostly biting my nails. I am going to try to stay away from gaming so that I only use it for 20 min. Also instead of biting my nails I am going to clip them with nails so they aren't sharp and I’m not tempted to bite them. Once you start a bad habit you can’t seem to stop it. Bad habits can be anything like to much gaming or picking your nose and biting nail even toe nails. Most games that people play they won't stop playing it such as Fortnite, Roblox and Minecraft. This are some of the most popular games that if someone starts they won’t stop.
If you have stopped your bad habit them can you please tell me how in the comments below.
Blog you later