Hi bloggers
This week we have been making pest trackers, we wanted to make this so we could track pests.Also it was so we could see if we have pests in our school.To make this we had to use materials like
- milk bottles
- peanut butter
- tin foil
- a sponge
- tape
- food colouring
- scissors
- paper
- lid caps x2
- and a bag (black)
Pests are a big problem because they are killing our native birds.Because pests are killing our native birds those birds might be extinct.If our native birds were in our zoo for safe keeping than we will have to pay to see some birds!When you put the pest tracker down the point is to get lots of little foot prints so then you know if you have pests.I think I have tracked one down do you want to see!
You might be thinking how have I court one well if you look in the milk bottle.There is only one lid when there is meant to be two lids so I know that a pest has came in and taken one of my lids!If you see lots of ants then you should tie some string on to it and make it a bit higher so the ants can't reach.
Thanks for reading to me bye!